Evaluation of The Current Situation of Goose Breeding in Türkiye at the Aspect of Production and Consumption
Survey, Goose breeding, Production and ConsumptionAbstract
This research was conducted to evaluate the current status of goose breeding in Turkey in terms of production and consumption. For this purpose, 147 enterprises were selected from all over Turkey and especially from regions where goose breeding is intensive, taking into account the density of geese. An online survey was applied to the selected enterprises. In the research, 45% of the goose breeders reported that they only raise geese and 55% reported that they raise turkeys, ducks and chickens in addition to geese. 35% of the participants stated that raising geese was their main source of income. In this research, the participants stated that the number of breeding geese held was 7 or more with a rate of 88.5%. It was revealed that 93% of the goose chicks were obtained from the enterprises' own resources. It was determined that 57% of the varieties used by goose breeders were white, 35% were grey, 26% were piebald and 2% were black. In this study, it was determined that 63% of the geese were raised in open areas and 37% were raised in closed areas. In terms of feeding, it was found that 81% of geese graze on pasture and 99.5% of geese grazing on pasture receive supplementary feeding. 88% of supplementary feeding was done with concentrated feed. 88.5% of the participants reported that disinfection was applied in goose shelters. It was concluded that the breeding period of geese is 3-4 years at 73% and the number of eggs obtained annually is 20 or more at 72%. It was known that 79% of goose breeders find goose production profitable, 49% send geese to slaughter at 6-8 months of age. 68% of the participants reported that they produce goose meat to meet the needs of their families and sell it, 29% to sell it and 3% to meet the needs of their families. As a result, although goose breeding is largely done under extensive conditions, intensive and semi-intensive enterprises have been opened in recent years. The fact that goose products have become sought-after products among the public with the studies conducted is an indication that the sector has growth potential.