Examination of Open Green Areas in Terms of Human Health and Psychology



open green areas, konya, landscape architecture, psychology


Open green areas undertake functions that improve and healing people's living conditions. This research was conducted to understand the role of open and green areas in urban life and to evaluate the contributions of these areas to the quality of life. The study was conducted with people living in Selçuklu district of Konya province. These people visited urban open green areas in Selçuklu district and spent time in those places. The survey method was used in the study. The survey results reveal that open green areas have significant and positive effects on human health and psychology. The majority of the participants stated that they visited open green areas with sufficient frequency and that these areas met both their physical and mental needs. These findings emphasize the positive effects of open green areas on human health and psychology and support the need to protect and increase these areas.

Author Biography

Ruhugul Ozge Gemici, Selçuk Üniversitesi

Peyzaj Mimarlığı



How to Cite

Gemici, R. O. (2024). Examination of Open Green Areas in Terms of Human Health and Psychology. 7th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Kastamonu/Türkiye, 193–193. from http://www.targid.org/index.php/TURSTEP/article/view/399