Determination of Biogas Production Potential of Aegean Region from Animal Waste


  • Nesrin Dursun Ardahan Üniversitesi


Biogas potential, Animal waste, Aegean Region


Greenhouse gases resulting from the intensive burning of fossil fuels bring serious environmental problems. These anthropogenic impacts cause environmental concerns such as air pollution and global warming. Moreover, the fact that fossil fuels are expensive and will be depleted in the near future has led researchers to seek economic and renewable energy alternatives. In this respect, biogas, one of the renewable energy alternatives, is obtained anaerobically from almost any kind of organic waste or residue according to the operating parameters. Biogas is one of the most popular biofuels, typically produced using animal waste as feedstock. This study determined the daily manure amounts according to animal class by obtaining the number of cattle, ovine, and poultry in the Aegean Region from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Accordingly, dry fertilizer amounts were determined and biogas production potential was calculated. Finally, the energy obtained based on the biogas production potential was determined. In the study, it was determined that the cattle class has a biogas production potential of 1199862 m3 per day, the ovine class 83264.1 m3 per day, and the poultry class 478279.1 m3 per day. Annual energy in the Aegean Region was calculated as 552699.4 TOE.



How to Cite

Dursun, N. (2024). Determination of Biogas Production Potential of Aegean Region from Animal Waste. 7th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Kastamonu/Türkiye, 78–82. from